Born on May 16, 1971, in Mufurila. Rt. Rev. Patrick Chilekwa Chisanga, Bishop of Mansa Diocese is a professed member of Order of Friars Minor Conventuals (1992). He had his perpetual vows in 1998 and was ordained priest on 27th June 1999. His pastoral experience has been working as Parish Priest of Sts. Michael and Noah Parishes in Kitwe, Zambia (1999-2001); Vice Guardian at St Bonaventure College and as Assistant Parish Priest of Chawama Parish in Lusaka (2001-2006). His other appointments include Director of Formation for the students of Theology and Lecturer of Psychology at St. Bonaventure College, Lusaka (2012-2013). Bishop Chisanga has a Licentiate degree in Clinical Psychology from Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome (2006). He was Minister Provincial of Conventual Franciscans for Zambia and Malawi from 2008 to 2012. Pope Francis appointed him Bishop of Mansa on 30th November 2013 and was ordained Bishop on 1st February, 2014, by Archbishop Ignatius Chama.

Bishop’s Residence:
Box 710503, Mansa, Bangweulu Road.
Tel: (+260) 211 821341; Fax: (+260) 211 821380).
Email: pcchisanga@
1952 – 1961 Very Rev. Rene Pailloux M. Afr. (Pref. Apostolic)
1961 – 1971 Right Rev. Rene Pailloux M. Afr. (Retired))
1971 – 1973 Right Rev. Elias Mutale (Transferred to Kasama)
1974 – 1991 Right Rev. James Spaita (Transferred to Kasama)
1991 – 1993 Very Rev. Fr. Joseph Musonda (Vicar Capitular)
1993 – 2009 Right Rev. Aaron A. Chisha (Retired)
2009 – 2014 Very Rev. Mike Merizzi (Vicar Capitular)

Missionaries of Africa (M.Afr.), generally known as White Fathers (WF), entered Zambia in 1991 through Kayambi. Their task was to evangelise the Bemba speaking region that included the present day Mansa Diocese. Hence, in 1905 Lubwe Mission was established followed by Chibote in 1910, Lufubu in 1931, and Kabunda near Mansa (Fort Roseberry) in 1932. Three years later, in 1935, Mapula mission was created followed by Kasaba in 1942, Nsakaluba in 1946 and then Mansa in 1955. St. Paul’s (1961), Chembe, Twingi (1938), Samfya (1964), St. Mary’s (1956), St. Theresa (Kazembe) and Chimese followed. In the recent years the diocese has created more parishes namely, St. Francis of Assisi in Kapesha (2014), St. Christopher in Chitamba (2014), Michael the Archangel (2014) in Namwandwe and St John Paul II (2014) in Mabumba, others at St. Monica (2016) at Musaila, then Kacema Musuma Parish (2016) in Chipili, St. Joseph the Worker (2016) in Mushota and St. Peter’s (2014) in Nchelenge.
On 10th July 1952, the Church authority separated Luapula region from the Bangweulu Vicariate Apostolic and consequently erected the region into the Prefecture Apostolic of Fort Roseberry. Fr. Rene Pailloux (M.Afr) became its first Prefect Apostolic. The Prefecture was raised to the status of a Diocese (11th February 1961) of which Mgr. Pailloux was consecrated Bishop (18th June 1961). On 28th November, 1967, the government changed the name of Fort Roseberry to that of Mansa and accordingly, the name of the diocese changed too. Bishop Pailloux retired as Bishop of Mansa on the 3rd of July 1971 and Bishop Elias Mutale succeeded him. On 17th September 1973, Bishop Elias Mutale moved to Kasama Archdiocese, and Fr. James Mwewa Spaita was appointed Bishop of Mansa and received the Episcopal ordination on 28th April 1974. The death of Archbishop Elias Mutale prompted the Holy Father to transfer Bishop James Spaita to the vacant See of Archdiocese of Kasama on 28th December 1990. Mansa Diocese curia elected Very Rev, Fr. Joseph Musonda as its Vicar Capitular on 26th February 1991. Mgr. Musonda directed the Diocese until the appointment and Episcopal ordination of Right Rev Aaron A. Chisha on 3rd November, 1993, and 12th December, 1993, respectively.

The pastoral care of the faithful forms the main activity of the Diocese, which varies from parish to parish according to local conditions and situations. The diocese is also deeply involved in uplifting the living standards of the population especially in agriculture and industrial development, in education and health sectors. To direct these sectors, the Diocese has several Commissions such as Development, Catechetical, Liturgical, Biblical, Justice and peace; other departments are Pastoral, Education, Health, and Communications.
Small Christian Communities (SCC), Lay Organisations and Movements are an enormous help in the life of the Diocese. That is why the formation of lay leaders is one of the pastoral priorities. The Diocese has umbrella bodies for Men, Women and Youth Councils at all levels merely to encourage the involvement of faithful in the running of the Church. Mansa is a Diocese with numerous priestly and religious vocations and supplies a good number of professors to the National Seminaries.
Bishop’s Office:
Mansa Diocese, P.O. Box 710036, Mansa
Tel: (+260) 212 821373; Fax (+260) 212 821380; Home: (+260) 212 821341 mansadiocese@yahoo.com

Box 710 036, Mansa. Tel: (+260) 212 821 373/317. Fax (+260) 212 821 887


Function Name of Holder
Vicar General                     Very Rev. Fr. Crispin Mwila
Pastoral Coordinator       Fr. Patrick Kabaso                             pastoraloffice2@gmail.com
Treasurer General            Fr. Antonio Barrientos SDB
Communications Secr.    Fr. Lyoba Bernard                        communications.secretary@domansa.org
Education Secr.                Mr. Benjamin Chama
Bishop’s Secretary            Sr. Silvia Chilufya LSMI                   dioceseofmansa@yahoo.com
Caritas Coordinator         Fr. Lemon Ndelela Zachariah          caritasmansa@yahoo.com
Health Coordinator          Sr. Delphine Kalisha
Judicial Vicar                    Very Rev. Fr. Crispin Mwila
Pontifical Mis. Societies Dir.             Sr. Evelyn Chisanga
Catechetical Sch, Director                 Fr. Nicodemus Chabu
Catechetical Commission                  Fr. Nicodemus Chabu
Vocations Director                              Fr. James Chisanga
Biblical Apostolate                              Fr. Charles Mupanga
Carym Promoter                                 Fr. Shamende Joseph
Liturgical Commission                      Fr. Justin Kombe            
Family Life Desk                                 Sr. Elizabeth Mutale
Lay Apostolate                                    Fr. Kabaso Patrick P.
Marriage Encounter                          Fr. Matthias Chola


Deanery                                  Dean                                                     Parishes
Mansa                                     Fr. Tresphord Kunda Pintu            Mansa, Chembe, Chipili Chipili,                                                                                                   Mapula, Kapesha Mabumba, Mapula,                                                                                                 Namwandwe                                  Kabunda                               Fr. Emmanuel Chnda                         Nsakaluba, Kabunda, Chipili, Chimese
Kawambwa                          Fr. James Chisanga                            Kazembe, Chibote, Kawambwa, Kazembe,                                                                                             Mushota, Tea Estate
Kashikishi                           Fr. Davies Mukobekwa                       St. Paul’s, St. Peter’s, Rosalio
Lubwe                                  Fr. Nicodemus Chabu                         Lubwe, Kasaba, Mwewa
Samfya                                Fr. Stanislaus Ponde                            Kasamba, Musaila, Samfya, Twingi

Apart from the Parish and Church Councils, Parish Administration Committees, Choirs and Altar Boys, the following organisations exist in the parishes of the diocese:
1. Buomba
2. Carym
3. Catholic Action
4. Catholic Men’s League
5. Catholic Women’s League
6. CFM
7. Charismatics
8. Council of Catholic Men
9. Catholic Women Org.

10. Catholic Youth Org.
11.Flower Girls/Nsansa
12. Jufra
13. Kacema Musuma
14. Legio of Mary – Snr
15. Legio of Mary – Junior
16. Pioneers
17. Lodovico
18. Nazareth

19. Ndosha
20. Neo – Catechumenate
21. Oratory
22. Senior Christian Workers
23. St. Anna
24. St. Joachim
25. St. Vincent de Paul
26. Tertiary
27. Vocations’ Clubs
28. Xaveria